The Raven Boys | review | Maggie Stiefvater

Good morning, everyone! I hope you all have a desk plant - or fake desk plant - to keep you happy this Tuesday! 😁 I would like to start off with saying, wow. I have read The Raven Boys multiple times (over many years) and I've never review it?? I have failed as a bookworm.... Continue Reading →

Resistance (audiobook) | review | Jaye L Knight

Well. Happy Tuesday, folks! I had a small, peaceful few minutes away from my fam this morning (drinking coffee outside, listening to the birds). I hope you all can find a few minutes away from everything! Today I'm going to highlight/review (in a short fashion) the Resistance audiobook by Jaye L. Knight! Now, if you've... Continue Reading →

No Chance Meeting (review!)

Hey again, everyone! Hope everyone's been having a good day! I just woke up from a nap (after two tests today + prepping for midterm next week) ... so it was much needed and I feel fantastic! Anyways, as promised, I'm back for my review of No Chance Meeting by Jaye Elliot. If you (somehow)... Continue Reading →

Mini Review! (Lacy – Jaye L Knight)

So, lmao, I just realized that I never posted Tuesday. Um. Oops? Anyways. It's one in them morning and is my brain working? OF COURSE NOT. So a full review ain't happenin', sweetie. Instead. I am giving you a mini review! Yay!!!! (it was in my archives, haha) It's going to be of Jaye L... Continue Reading →

A Conjuring of Light | review | VE Schwab

Hey lovelies! I hope that you all are doing well! I'm pretty okay. School's almost done (fantastic). Working a lot more (less fantastic). But that's enough about me! Today I'm reviewing A Conjuring of Light (VE Schwab). For those of you who don't know, this is the third and final book in the Shades of... Continue Reading →

Every Move | review | Ellie Marney

Heyyyy friends!!! Hope you all are well!! 😃 Today's review is one of the glorious books I got to read on glorious vacation in the glorious sun. (No, scratch that. I'm a vampire. I don't like the sun.) Every Move (Ellie Marney) is the third and finale installment in the Every series. For real guys,... Continue Reading →

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