a deadly education | naomi novik

Hey everyone! Such a long time no see! I hope you all have been having a wonderful holiday season ❤ For my house, my husband has been sick since the end of November (went to an urgent care, but couldn't find the reason) and then we both got sick right over Christmas. Not fun, especially... Continue Reading →

wishtress | nadine brandes

Nadine Brandes, also known as one of the sweetest and most relatable authors ever, has marked herself as one of my favorite authors. Specifically, her book Romanov, which I have read, like, a lot of times. 😛 (This may have something to do with next week's post... 👀) Wishtress is her newest book coming out... Continue Reading →

ninth house by leigh bardugo

Hello everyone! Long time no see. 🙂 Just a quick little update on my life before we get into the bookish content. 😛 First off, I have finished my junior year of undergrad! One year left, and then on to my PhD. Eek. In even more exciting news, I GOT MARRIED!! Just over a week... Continue Reading →

The seven husbands of evelyn hugo

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, by Taylor Jenkins Reid, was a book that I remember hearing massive hype about. It came out quite a few years ago now, in the world of our fast moving culture, but I've always been curious about it. It was one of those books that I didn't quite know... Continue Reading →

Thoughts on recent reading

Hi friends! It's really been awhile, hasn't it? An embarrassingly long time. But a lot of things have happened since then... Mainly, I've been in a reading slump. A two+ years reading slump. I know, the worst kind. Over the past 2-3 years I've read only a couple of dozen books. When compared to all... Continue Reading →

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