Words on Bathroom Walls | review | Julia Walton

Hello, friends! I'm sure everyone has already heard of the book Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton. But. I am here to be late to the party and to give my two cents on it! But before I get there, I'd just like to ask ... how are you all?? I know this past... Continue Reading →

The Raven Boys | review | Maggie Stiefvater

Good morning, everyone! I hope you all have a desk plant - or fake desk plant - to keep you happy this Tuesday! 😁 I would like to start off with saying, wow. I have read The Raven Boys multiple times (over many years) and I've never review it?? I have failed as a bookworm.... Continue Reading →

The Great | A Fangirl Discussion

Good morning and Happy Friday! (if it really makes a difference anymore during this stay at home.... 😛) Today is not strictly book-related, but yet here we are! Over last weekend, I binged the show The Great in two days (many of you have probably heard of it!). I am just now coming out of... Continue Reading →

No Chance Meeting (review!)

Hey again, everyone! Hope everyone's been having a good day! I just woke up from a nap (after two tests today + prepping for midterm next week) ... so it was much needed and I feel fantastic! Anyways, as promised, I'm back for my review of No Chance Meeting by Jaye Elliot. If you (somehow)... Continue Reading →

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