a deadly education | naomi novik

Hey everyone! Such a long time no see! I hope you all have been having a wonderful holiday season ❤ For my house, my husband has been sick since the end of November (went to an urgent care, but couldn't find the reason) and then we both got sick right over Christmas. Not fun, especially... Continue Reading →

wishtress | nadine brandes

Nadine Brandes, also known as one of the sweetest and most relatable authors ever, has marked herself as one of my favorite authors. Specifically, her book Romanov, which I have read, like, a lot of times. 😛 (This may have something to do with next week's post... 👀) Wishtress is her newest book coming out... Continue Reading →

Wolf Children: Ame & Yuki

Hello lovelies! Now, I don't usually review mangas. Perhaps that's because - even though I like them - I don't read them a lot. Or their not the "typical" book. I dunno. But I don't usually. But at current, I haven't finished many new books (I'm reading some monster tomes + rereading faves) to review... Continue Reading →

Mini Review! (Lacy – Jaye L Knight)

So, lmao, I just realized that I never posted Tuesday. Um. Oops? Anyways. It's one in them morning and is my brain working? OF COURSE NOT. So a full review ain't happenin', sweetie. Instead. I am giving you a mini review! Yay!!!! (it was in my archives, haha) It's going to be of Jaye L... Continue Reading →

A Conjuring of Light | review | VE Schwab

Hey lovelies! I hope that you all are doing well! I'm pretty okay. School's almost done (fantastic). Working a lot more (less fantastic). But that's enough about me! Today I'm reviewing A Conjuring of Light (VE Schwab). For those of you who don't know, this is the third and final book in the Shades of... Continue Reading →

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